Hop Logo

a jQuery plugin to highlight important sections of your site, inspired by Google Inbox. it will create a circle arround a specific section, and overlay the whole page.

Hop intro

Get Started

Simply call the hop() method on your jQuery instance.

$.hop(options: Options): jQueryInstance

return the current jQuery instance


Note: if multiple elements selected, Hop will choose the first one.


The following options are available if you want to adjust it,

color: string

The overlay color, any valid html color

radius: number

The radius of the circle, must be a positive number

opacity: number

The overlay opacity, 0 > opacity < 1

borderWidth: number

The width of the border arround the hop

borderColor: string

The border color, any valid html color


Check the examples folder


After calling the hop() plugin on a jQuery element, you can get the Hop instance in $(el).data('hop')

Usage example

var hopApi = $('.logo').data('hop');

// move the hope by (20px, 10px) from the current position
hopApi.move(20, 10,true);

// remove it

Note: if you want to change the radius, color or border properties, you can recall the plugin with the new options


// increase the radius
$('.logo').hop({radius: 250});

Hop class methods interface

remove() : Hop

Remove and hide the hop, return the current Hop instance

move(left, top, relative? = false): Hop

Move the current hop horizantally or vertically, return the current Hop instance

param description example
left number|string move the hop to the right, pass a negative value to move it to the left 0, '50%' only if relative is false
top number|stringmove the hop to the bottom, pass a negative value to move it to the top '10%' only if relative is false
relative boolean default to false, if true, it will move it from the current location, otherwise it will be relative to the current document

Note: if you want to move the hop to another element, call the plugin on the new element


// move the hop to the footer

To Apply animation

Just put this css rule in your document

.hop-outer { .2s linear all; }

Off course you can customize it as per your need.



This plugin is written in TypeScript. I will update the contribution guide the soonest